November 2019 Gathering

12th November 2019

Women in the Bible: Elizabeth
Luke 1: 5-24, 39-45, 57-66

Alex warmly welcomed everyone on our Fourth Birthday which was to be celebrated at lunch. We sang the obligatory chorus of Happy Birthday with gusto!

There was praise and singing accompanied by our musicians and vocalists.

We then continued our theme for this season, ‘Women in the Bible’, with readings about Elizabeth and Zechariah, recounting the story of a visit to Zechariah by Angel Gabriel, up to the birth of John the Baptist.

There were five interesting activities relating to this reading.

David’s task to reconstruct a temple building was a group effort and is a work in progress demanding team work, craft skills and concentration.

A table with a “pile of fluff” generated a host of angels, making a dazzling display.

The creative writing activity promoted discussion about Elisabeth and the disgrace of infertility in biblical times.

Another task was to design and craft cardboard shields with a family related crest, while another group wrote their chosen names using wax resist.

The work of the session was displayed, celebrated and admired with some explanation by participants.

Our special guest was Mother Victoria who taught a group how to sign the blessing which we used to great effect at the end of our morning activities. A very special blessing for us all.

Finally we celebrated in style with our shared lunch of soup, bread, cheese, grapes a wonderful fruit birthday cake and a glass of fizz for a special toast to Kingdom Arts.

We invite you to our next meeting beginning with tea and coffee at 9:30.
Tuesday December 10th : Mary.

For this month’s pictures and videos, see the Gallery


October 2019 Gathering

8th October 2019

Women in the Bible: Naomi and Ruth
Ruth 1:1-18 and 22

This morning’s reading told the touching beginning of the story of Naomi and Ruth. David New expanded on this with an interpretation of the purpose of this book. It was followed with singing and praise accompanied by our musicians and vocalists.

David continued on his interpretation by designing a task involving the making of brick shapes and then writing words that may be seen as negative and divisive. The purpose of this challenge was apparent in our feedback session. [See the photos]

There were four additional tables of interesting activities relating to this reading.

Sue had an activity to make a card to give to a loved one. The most attractive results were worth the concentration and effort. Later in the morning she led a musical group with percussion instruments.

Alex had been learning an embroidery stitch like ears of wheat, which she shared this morning. Several people enjoyed learning from her and the delicate stitching was much admired in our sharing session at the end of the morning.

The creative writing activity promoted conversation and debate taking up the theme of women and the relationship of Naomi and Ruth.

There was a free table to explore watercolours.

After plenty of conversation, discussion and cups of coffee (thank you Pam and Carolyn) we gathered to share our experiences. It was agreed that a session of Kingdom Arts is refreshing and cathartic!

Then a song of praise, before a shared lunch of soup, either roasted cauliflower or pea, both were delicious! Bread, cheese, grapes and a wonderful fruit cake were also available to all.

We invite you to our next meeting beginning with tea and coffee at 9:30.
Tuesday November 12th : The story of Elizabeth.

For this month’s pictures, see the Gallery

For this month’s words, see Creative Writing


October 2019 Writing

Goodbye is not the end

Today people will gather to say Goodbye
You are no longer with us in body

But …….

Every time I walk past your house
Every time I see Charlie or the children
Every time I look at the photos
Every time Judo is mentioned

You are alive.

That laughter is there to bring you back
Just a memory away
Good times live with us for ever

© Pam Summers
Kingdom Arts October 2019

I will go with you

I will go with you
I know in my heart and with my whole being I need to stay faithful to you
Show me the way
I’ll journey with you to your homeland
I’ll put my trust and faith in your God
My God
You show me the way
I will go with you.

© Barbara Rolison
Kingdom Arts October 2019

Two together

Two walked together along the dusty road
Both carrying a heavy load
Unseen to human eye but known
To the one above whose plan is working out

When humans see hope and despair
God sees his plan working down the ages year on year
Naomi and Ruth are looked on as a hapless pair
His plan will come to fruition no matter what or where

Boaz owned the field where Ruth went gleaning
What attracted him to her we don’t know
But it fitted with His plan
In due time Jesus was born
Who benefits all mankind

© Les Linton
Kingdom Arts October 2019


Kingdom People Day

at Worcester Cathedral

Kingdom Arts was asked by the Diocese to create a project for visitors to take an active part in during the Kingdom People Day in the Cathedral on September 28th.

We chose to create something that spoke of the Kingdom values of

Compassion, Love, Justice and Freedom.

We enjoyed creating it with help from our visitors .

Bishop John loved it so much that he asked for it to stay and be displayed in the Cathedral for a short time.

It’s situated by the Friends’ door.
Go and see it and let us know what you think.

September 2019 Writing


I wonder if in the early morning
You saw in your inward eye
Myriads of crocus flecked with gold
Those wonderful petals now crushed
Purple dye flowing in profusion
That another use to colour the cloth
You sold on market day at Lystra.

Today you waited: trade was slow
Paul, a Jewish scholar came over
We talked of spiritual things
Exhaling the creator god
For a moment God’s bounty amazed me
And I saw again those crocuses
But now in that garden
Where the stone was rolled away

Jesus as Paul explained walked here
He wanted to bless me by Baptism
Later after the ceremony
Paul entered my home
Life would never be the same again
Then I saw those crocuses
With the purple dye flowing
And I drank of the water of life
As evening light faded into night.

©Rosemary Orr


From Adams rib
And God’s blessing
Came eve
Bone of his bone
Flesh of his flesh
To cling together
The woman in her naivety
Was tempted
To taste the harshness of life
Tasting the juice of the fruit
Shouldering the guilt and pain.
But like the waves in the sea
Rising up, filling oceans
With colour and bravery
Then becoming the chosen vessel
Of Jesus earthly beginning
Strength to comfort Him
Giving power to womanhood
Despite scorn, degradation, rape.
A burning candle of hope
Bravery, example of goodness
Reflecting the love of Jesus
Courage to conquer prejudice
By trying to create
A more compassionate equal world.

© Helen McNicholl

September 2019 Gathering

10th September 2019

Acts 16:13-16

We began our September meeting after a summer break with a warm welcome followed by singing and praise accompanied by our joyful band of musicians and vocalists.

The theme for this season introduced by Alex amid a sea of purple; is women in the bible. The reading was from Acts Chapter 16 v 13-16 telling the story of Lydia who traded in purple cloth and was baptised by Paul. There were five tables of interesting activities relating to this reading. Do look at the photographs of the morning.

Our guest artist Karen firstly showed and then encouraged a group to make small books. There was lots of discussion and the dainty and very pretty results were worth the concentration and effort.

David had a craft task to make a delicate model stall with small items for sale. Careful hands were needed to hold and stick.

The new material called “brusho” was well received and gave a chance to experiment, lots of trial and error and a bit of mess, with the powder sprinkled onto or by spritzed water! A waterfall of colourful pictures emerged with stencilled cut outs adding images.

There was a beautiful purple orchid placed on purple tissue to sketch with pastels or charcoal and delightful images resulted.

The creative writing activity promoted conversation and debate taking up the theme of women and particularly Lydia. Follow the link to see the end product.

After plenty of conversation, discussion and cups of coffee we gathered to share our experiences, before a shared lunch of soup [tomato, apple and celery, or celeriac and spinach].

We invite you to our next meeting beginning with tea and coffee at 9:30.
Tuesday October 8th : The story of Ruth and Naomi.

For this month’s pictures, see the Gallery

For this month’s words, see Creative Writing


June 2019 Gathering

18th June 2019

Jesus calms the storm
Mark 4:35-41

Alex welcomed everyone including our visitors and expressed her delight with the amazing response to the Kingdom Arts festival. You will be able to see some of the visitors’ comments in the Festival Report elsewhere on this web-site (News section: “Festival 2019”)

The morning began with a reading from St Mark’s gospel which, following the theme of living water, was the account of Jesus calming the storm. This was followed by singing led by our intrepid band of musicians and a quiet time of prayers.

Throughout each morning at Kingdom Arts, Pam and her helpers have kept us well supplied with hot coffee, tea or cold drinks and plentiful biscuits, mostly needed as this month there were many opportunities for artistic experiment and interpretation of the theme, requiring energy!

David had a table for origami activities; there was great concentration as boats were folded and unfolded in pursuit of perfection. The resulting multitude of vessels described as a flotilla, or armada!

At the modelling table there was clay, with much discussion and laughter as people rolled and squeezed and chopped.

A board with doves which had featured at the festival gave a chance to cut and stick to embellish the picture.

At the writing table, the group wrote enthusiastically around the theme, first choosing some headlines from a newspaper, then using their favourite or most meaningful to write.

The sewing table flowed with quiet conversation and careful needlework as embroidered patterns emerged, as an alternative there was prayerful knitting.

David M led a musical interlude with a singing activity, which was greatly enjoyed and described as the creative break one member needed to inspire her!

Other activities involved free art work with paint, glue and believe it or not pencil shavings! [Look at the pictures]

The morning ended with a sharing session when individuals described the inspiration of their work, with such variety and enjoyment.

We closed with a shared meal with a choice of summer vegetable or lentil soup prepared by Jan with bread, cheese, grapes and a home-made cake.

We thank you all once more for a wonderful season and, as we take our summer break, we invite you all to our next meeting.

Our next meeting is on Tuesday September 10th.

For this month’s pictures, see the Gallery

For this month’s words, see Creative Writing


June 2019 Festival


A lot of hard work went into creating the displays for this festival – not to mention the activities which took place during the three days, and the large amount of tea and coffee prepared, and the mountain of cake that was baked.

Festival Slide Show, part 1

Festival Slide Show, part 2

Here’s a selection of the comments made by visitors:

Truly inspiring. Thank you.
Jenny B

A wonderful venture!
Love Judy

Well done. Hope it is a great success. Many thanks,
Sara H

St. Georges needs you!

Well done to everyone who got involved.
Riversides School really enjoyed it.


A very inspiring display of gifted talented people.
Jan and Colin W

We had a lovely cup of tea, while listening to peaceful music!
A great exhibition and a good use of the church.
What a beautiful art display.
Love how people are able to express themselves creatively, honouring Jesus and the stories within the bible.
Keep doing things like this, as it reaches so many


Loved the artwork and the joining of the Performing/Arts and worship.
Great display, really beautiful.
Tess Yr. 4, St Georges C of E

A quote from a pupil at St George’s School
“I thought churches were dark places, but they are not”


A big thank you from all the EAL students and staff at Bishop Perowne C of E School
We loved seeing your wonderful creativity in praise of God.

Thank you so much!
Coralia – Romania; Edoordo – Romania;
Laura – Romania; Jose – Portugal;
Stefania – Romania; Thank you: Moise – Romania;
Denis – Romania; Sheilyn – Honduras.

Line-dance anyone?

So many interesting displays, Thank you.

Thank you – it’s light, airy, gentle and full of people’s hearts. What a lovely way to spend an afternoon with Jesus.
Joan C xxx

Isn’t it super to see such a range of inspirational work! Let’s get creative – Yes
Fran B

What a fantastic exhibition! Thank you and well done to all the team, I’ve really enjoyed my visit this afternoon.

Thank you so much for a truly inspiring exhibition the artworks and design were exceptional, and gave a peaceful spiritual message, which with the beautiful music and song left us feeling very close to God. Looking forward to the next one.
Ted and Ginny D

A delightful surprise to be browsing such a variety of skills, colours, ideas – a great success

A very interesting and stimulating exhibition – much food for thought. Many thanks.
Rosemary A

A beautiful and thoughtful exhibition. One smiles to consider the talents of all who have contributed and gained from their association with Kingdom Arts. So much that I liked v. much . . . Stations of the Cross, Mary Fleeson’s work, the cross and candlesticks. What drew me particularly were the sand/bowl installation – quiet, meditative, therapeutic potential, and the Prayer Obelisk- the opportunity to quietly reflect on needs of another and request help!
Yes, very much enjoyed my visit.

What a wonderful spiritual experience to walk round these beautiful displays and works of art. Thank you Lord for your many talents.
Thank you for having us.
Thank you for being so kind.

A stunning display of beautiful art.
It was fun and everything was very nice.
What an inspiring festival. Thank you.
Helen G

What a lovely amazing experience of Our Fathers Love and presence. Thank you.
Simply inspiring.

Amazing and inspiring, Well done.
A beautiful exhibition of inspiring creativity
Another fabulous exhibition, glad I was involved.

Przepicgkna wsytawa wystawiajaco Jezusa, Naszego Pana
Eva from Poland
Translation: Picturing the creation of Jesus, our Lord.

A wonderful collection in a beautiful Arts and Crafts Church. Truly inspiring how much love and care has gone into each of the Artworks and bringing them together in such a celebration.
Robin Walker, MP for Worcester

Thank you, for me, today, the metal cross has made a lasting impression.
Very inspiring – it’s been wonderful to see such talent.

Wow! What a magnificent display of some amazing talent. Hard to pick a favourite amongst so much excellent art but I did like the cross and candlesticks. Also, the fishes painting. But that’s just two of many many to choose from. Nice cakes too!
John and Di B

Really inspiring exhibition. Congratulations!

We had lots of fun and thank you a lot.
I had a fun day here and it is so cool here and I want to come back.
From Sharim

What a wonderful, uplifting and inspiring experience. Thank you.
John W

Thank you for letting me be part of this amazing and uplifting event.

Inspiring, amazing, wanted to read the poetry book all afternoon but felt God’s presence though every exhibit. Thank you.

Moving and inspiring
Joanne  C R
I agree
Lawrence C R

So much moving creativity! Thank you
When the Spirit moves much is created. Richard

Beautifully colour co-ordinated.