March 2024 Gathering

12th March


Taizé music

The display this morning was in sections with a giant poster of the Taizé cross in the centre, surrounded by tea lights and two large pictures of icons.
Alex welcomed everyone, including new faces.

We commenced with a short introduction from Alex about singing Taizé and coaching in Latin! “Laudate Dominum” and “Ubi caritas” which we then sang.

This was followed by prayer.

Jan B then gave a most informative talk about the foundation and history of the community at Taizé and the work of the Brother Roger who founded the community.

Alex then described the variety of activities for the morning:-

Alison led a fascinating activity decorating a plaque of wood with the symbol of Taizé. The results were beautiful as were the explanations from the creators at the sharing session.

There was a craft table involving the use of chalk where icon pictures could be copied or new ones designed. The helpful hint was to spray the picture with hairspray to stop it smudging . . .

. . . and a second table with mindful colouring.

Cherry led and tutored an activity for Easter to make a hanging cross using a template and wound with ribbon. Once participants “got the hang of it” they became expert.

The writing was once again different, as inspiration took each person in a different way. Creating Taizé needs plenty of thought.

To see this month’s creative writing, click here.

There were also the usual opportunities for quiet, contemplative, prayerful knitting.

The conversations buzzed and we were kept refreshed by Pam and Carolyn who served coffee, tea and biscuits.

We ended the mornings activities by gathering to share our mornings efforts and once again how wonderful they were!

A lunch followed with delicious soup, this month it was tomato and basil or parsnip and apple;

and there was bread, cheese, fresh fruit and a yummy selection home-made cakes thank you Jane!

We hope you will all come again next month when we will meet on Tuesday 9th April 2024.

Please note the start time Coffee from 10.00, followed by worship and activities, with lunch around 12.40.