18th June 2019
Jesus calms the storm
Mark 4:35-41
Alex welcomed everyone including our visitors and expressed her delight with the amazing response to the Kingdom Arts festival. You will be able to see some of the visitors’ comments in the Festival Report elsewhere on this web-site (News section: “Festival 2019”)
The morning began with a reading from St Mark’s gospel which, following the theme of living water, was the account of Jesus calming the storm. This was followed by singing led by our intrepid band of musicians and a quiet time of prayers.
Throughout each morning at Kingdom Arts, Pam and her helpers have kept us well supplied with hot coffee, tea or cold drinks and plentiful biscuits, mostly needed as this month there were many opportunities for artistic experiment and interpretation of the theme, requiring energy!
David had a table for origami activities; there was great concentration as boats were folded and unfolded in pursuit of perfection. The resulting multitude of vessels described as a flotilla, or armada!
At the modelling table there was clay, with much discussion and laughter as people rolled and squeezed and chopped.
A board with doves which had featured at the festival gave a chance to cut and stick to embellish the picture.
At the writing table, the group wrote enthusiastically around the theme, first choosing some headlines from a newspaper, then using their favourite or most meaningful to write.
The sewing table flowed with quiet conversation and careful needlework as embroidered patterns emerged, as an alternative there was prayerful knitting.
David M led a musical interlude with a singing activity, which was greatly enjoyed and described as the creative break one member needed to inspire her!
Other activities involved free art work with paint, glue and believe it or not pencil shavings! [Look at the pictures]
The morning ended with a sharing session when individuals described the inspiration of their work, with such variety and enjoyment.
We closed with a shared meal with a choice of summer vegetable or lentil soup prepared by Jan with bread, cheese, grapes and a home-made cake.
We thank you all once more for a wonderful season and, as we take our summer break, we invite you all to our next meeting.
Our next meeting is on Tuesday September 10th.
For this month’s pictures, see the Gallery
For this month’s words, see Creative Writing