September 2024 Looking Forward


I hope you have had a restful Summer, catching up with family and friends. I don’t think you would have found too much sun in England though! This is a reminder to everyone that we will be returning to our gatherings on October 8th at 10am. We have been planning some interesting and exciting ideas to look at and lots to help us be creative. This term we’ve decided to take as our theme “Artists and Martyrs”.

Firstly, we will look at Christian Artists and find out about them as well as looking at their work to help us understand the story behind the picture or sculpture or stained glass window.

Collage based on ‘Light of the World’


It’s been exciting choosing who to study first and we’ve come up with Holman Hunt’s picture of “The Light of the World” to start us off.

It’s a very famous picture but how many of us understand the details contained within it that point us to God? Come and find out!


The next month (12th November) we shall look at a famous 20th Century Christian martyr and their story of faith. Do you know about the statues of the 10 martyrs of the 20th Century that decorate the Great West Door of Westminster Abbey? They were unveiled in 1998. We thought it might be interesting and stimulating to investigate some of them, and their stories will certainly be an encouragement to get creative!

Click here to go to the Westminster Abbey website and see the statues

We look forward to seeing you as it’s been a long time since we met. I am sure Jan is thinking about some more delicious soups to serve to us. We shall look forward to your news and sharing together.

Kingdom Arts is such a wonderful place where an amazingly gifted, and friendly group of people come to gather each month. We come because we love meeting together, learning together, praying and singing together as well as eating and laughing together.


June 2024 Writing

Heavenly Growth

God created the world
And saw that it was good.
The seeds to flourish and grow
Large and small alike.
Despite floods and drought
Still nourished in God’s folding earth
Feeding the hungry
And the yearning soul
Healing pains and minds
Bringing comfort and peace
Restoring the air we breathe,
To praise him once again
Delighting the eye
And the artists brush
Filling the air with scent
God’s breath to stir our souls
Help us Lord to protect and love
Your heavenly God-sent gift.

© Helen McNicoll Kingdom Arts June 2024

A Prayer

Oh Lord of grace and love
How you have sustained me through the darkest of times,
I was bereft until
Your tender compassion surrounded me.
You listened to my heartfelt prayers,
Your Holy Spirit touched me bringing peace.
Always my Lord and my Saviour.


© Barbara Rolison Kingdom Arts June 2024

Alpha and Omega, circle of life, eternal joy let us live with you forever.
Despite our shortcomings, may we share your love, compassion, and liberty in heavenly peace with angelic voices singing to the Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
Heaven on earth, bright flowers, birds singing, roaring oceans, sunlit mountains, loving relationships, family unity, no violence or hate, but pure grace as we look to you, our defender and sustainer.

Your world is full of your glory from the mustard seed to mighty cedars, may we treat them with the respect they deserve and sustain rather than destroy their environments.
Lord may we be your ambassadors on earth, of it but not living in it. We need to be heaven’s citizens, God’s hands and feet on earth, his mouthpiece to issues of the day, head above the parapet, advocating Your way, not the ways of war, compassion for the have-nots and wisdom in meditation.

We have a short time here but Eternity with you. Let us make it count, every day dedicated to you, conversations had with those you choose and situations encountered so that we can give glory to you in all that we do.
Father, Son and Holy Spirit, you are our joy, hope and love, but the greatest of these is love, cultivate these in our hearts.

© Julia Holdsworth Kingdom Arts June 2024

Enslaved, Free, Follow God

I have been enslaved for many years by what I call my “Stinking thinking”.

During the last few years, I have been given, by the grace of God, the opportunity to learn about what has been blocking me from experiencing peace in my mind and soul. I believe that I am being set free.

I have taken the opportunity which was presented to me, to seek professional help, which allowed me to realise that I had an addiction to being miserable. This realisation has enabled me to accept that I needed to seek help to move away from my addiction.

I was introduced to a spiritual course some time ago. This has helped to set me free from a misunderstanding of what spirituality is, and it has given me a new understanding of how to have a spiritual relationship with God and to follow God’s guidance.

I learnt that I needed to accept that we are powerless and that our lives can sometimes become unmanageable. I also realised that God can restore us to and to “make a decision to turn on our will and our lives over to the care of God”. This illustrated the need to follow God’s will in my life and NOT my own.

I have been privileged to see how God has restored people who have been enslaved in the prisons of alcoholism and more especially co-dependency. I have been helped to find some freedom from my “stinking thinking”, and my addictions. It has shown me, beyond doubt, that only God can set me free.

I have learnt many things about myself in recent years. It has been challenging and painful. The process has enabled me to get an awareness of being enslaved to addiction; of having God set me free, and to be able to follow God’s will instead of my own.

One of the most valuable lessons I have learnt is a new definition of the virtue of humility. This is having the openness and willingness to seek to know God’s will for me, and to humbly seek the power to carry it out.

I have begun to realise that God is not vindictive, critical or judgemental, but accepts me as I am. He accepts me with my personality defects and shortcomings.

© Paul Ingram, Kingdom Arts, June 2024


June 2024 Gathering

11th June


The hymn writer of the day was Melody Green, author of “There is a redeemer”, which she wrote in 1976.

The aisle was decorated with a wonderful, floral, summer fabric and a basket of flowers to symbolise God’s abundance.

Alex welcomed us enthusiastically to the last morning before the summer break, and introduced a new member, our new Vicar Rev Sarah Carwardine. She was made most welcome by everyone.

We began by singing “There is a redeemer” Then a time of prayer before singing once more.

Jan B gave a talk based on the life of Melody and her husband Keith Green. She had also composed other songs throughout her life, which has been another sad, sometimes tragic story.

Sue then described some of the activities for the morning.

There were tables for book making from 1 sheet of paper. Decorated with watercolour painting or pastels. The effect of both was amazing, as was the folding technique. The whirr of a hairdryer to speed up the process made for an interesting diversion.

Cherry explained her activity, Kanzashi flowers; made by puckering and stitching with a floral centre “bunged” on.

Alison’s table was described as a Calico fabric on an embroidery ring, decorated with stem stitch and seed stitch! The results were delicately beautiful.

There was a still life table with a cornucopia of fruit and vegetables, aubergine, oranges, peppers and grapes abounded, to draw and colour with pastels.

There was also the usual opportunity for quiet, contemplative, prayerful knitting.

The writing focus was to take inspiration from the many hymns, about which we have learned the history. A selection of some of the words was provided as a starting point.

The conversations buzzed around every table as we were kept refreshed by Pam.

We ended the mornings activities by gathering to share our creative efforts.
The still life “turned out juicy”. The time spent here, was described as “Here we take our time and that allows the seeds of expression to grow”. All groups were highly praised. The team leaders were thanked and we ended with prayer.

We them moved to the Magdalene room for a glorious social gathering, an indoor picnic! What a bountiful feast donated by our wonderful members.

We now take a summer break until Tuesday October 8th 2024. When we will return refreshed and eager to see you.

As usual, coffee will be from 10.00am, followed by worship and activities, with lunch around 12.30


May 2024 Writing

So many memories come from the songs we sing,
When we walk with the Lord, as those did on the Emmaus road.
We start with uncomprehending wonder and gain
So much by walking with Him,
As He draws near.
Songs so often pin the memory as do
Actions that catch us unaware and remind us.
They just know that in that moment of
Bewilderment, things started to make sense.
Drawing from their hearts the invitation
“Abide with us”
We want that connection. But then He left for Heaven
Bereft again homesick for His abiding presence
They waited / we wait
Until a promise that He made draws near,
Very near and becomes fulfilled
They were given the promised Holy Spirit
And we are too.
We can sing with certainty
“Holy Spirit we welcome you”

© Chris Graham, Kingdom Arts Worcester May 2024

A Mighty Fire

The first spark begins
Within the welcoming, comforting
God filled womb.
Nurtured for the world
As birth overtakes us.
Lord help us build a mighty fire
From that holy spark.
With flames rising to heaven
Full of Godly love
Ready to spread world-wide.
Feeling breezes spurring us on
Seeing the passing seasons
In all their beauty
Spreading and receiving love
In all its different shapes
Burning away unrest and pain.
May the colours and warmth
Fill the world.

© Helen McNichol, Kingdom Arts Worcester May 2024

Holy, Sacred, Eternal Spirit.

Holy Spirit
Sent from God: made of God
Entering the world like a storm-force wind
To fill us and fulfil us alway.

Sacred Spirit
Gift from God: part of God
Igniting my heart like a fiery flame
Enfold me, protect me I pray

Eternal Spirit
Gift from God: made of God
Come like a fateful messenger
Speak to my soul and stay.

© Barbara Rolison, Kingdom Arts Worcester May 2024


May 2024 Gathering

14th May


The story of Henry Francis Lyte, the author of the well-known hymn

Abide with me

The aisle was ablaze with Pentecost themed fabric in red and orange with flames dancing (metaphorically) in a large picture.

Alex welcomed us to the morning and we began by singing “Abide with me” Then a time of prayer before singing; “Holy Spirit, we welcome you”.
Jan K gave a talk based on the life of Henry Lyte – poet, priest and writer of the hymn. Interestingly, it is mostly sung at funerals, also football and rugby matches.

Sue then described most of the activities for the morning, and Jenny described the origami challenge to make and string doves for a tree display.

There were tables for pastels or watercolour painting with a theme of flames. The effect was tremendous.

There was a colouring table, great for exchanging views on the world today.

There was also the usual opportunity for quiet, contemplative, prayerful knitting.

David M encouraged anyone inclined to join him and his guitar, later in the morning for a short singing session. This provided background music and was greatly enjoyed, it will be repeated!

The writing focus was to take inspiration from the hymn or from the gospel readings about the coming of Holy Spirit, with three very different results.

The conversations abounded around the tables and we were kept refreshed by Clive, Lyn and Pam.

We ended the morning’s activities by gathering to share our efforts. The origami doves were admired and Jenny was praised for her good tuition and endless patience, while she praised the group for perseverance!

A lunch followed with soup, lovingly made by Jan K, this month it was cucumber lettuce and tomato, or bean soup! There was bread, cheese, fruit and home-made cakes, too. Around the tables, there was a welcome opportunity to catch up with each other.

We hope you will come and join us next month on Tuesday June 11th 2024 for what has become our annual picnic and our last meeting before the summer break. Coffee from 10.00, followed by worship and activities, with lunch around 12.30


April 2024 Writing

Take it to the Lord in prayer

See from His head, His hands, His feet
Sorrow and love flow mingled down
Carried then carried now
Jesus you died alone.
Deep the wounds of love punishment in my place
Ugliness, brutality, violence, intransigence, pain, death
Jesus you knew it all then
You know it all now
Trouble, sorrow, weakness, loneliness, our rubbish!
Take it to the lord in prayer
He is there always
From His tears comes our joy
From His death our life shall be forever.

© Lesley Brown Kingdom Arts April 2024

Bead prayer

Lord Jesus draw near and hear my prayer
My prayer for mankind – Hear my prayer
A new baby born free into the unknown – Hear my prayer
A child loved from birth – Hear my prayer
A child unloved and used – Hear my prayer
Grows into adulthood stepping into freedom – Hear my prayer
Grows into adulthood seeking sanctuary – Hear my prayer
Risen Christ re make us all in your image – Hear my prayer
That we may be filled with your Holy Spirit
And be free spirits walking in your kingdom – Hear my prayer
Be alongside each one of us – Hear my prayer
The beloved son or daughter – Hear my prayer
The slave, the killer, the soldier – Hear my prayer
The homeless, the lonely – Hear my prayer
Risen Christ draw us into your embrace – Hear my prayer

© Jenny English Kingdom Arts April 2024


April 2024 Gathering

9th April


The story behind the song
What a friend we have in Jesus
written by Joseph Scriven

Now we have reached April and we await the warmth of Spring Sunshine, however the warmth of Alex’s welcome radiated through our gathering as Alex greeting friends old and new.

The aisle was decorated with information concerning our topic for the day – Joseph Scriven the author of “What a friend we have in Jesus.”

The project to make a large, cross shaped hanging, devised of individually designed and sewn hessian squares is complete, is truly beautiful and was revealed as part of the Easter decoration of the church.

We commenced by singing “What a friend we have in Jesus” and “Jesus Christ my living hope” which were followed by prayers.

Barbara gave a talk based on the life of  Joseph Medlicott Scriven. His life was full of tragedies both in Ireland and Ontario, Canada!

Sue then described most of the activities for the morning, and Judith described the many varieties of art possible just using our own hands as the template.

There were interesting wooden boxes to decorate, both elegant and practical, explained by Alison.

The prayer beads involved pattern of 33 beads, representing the 33years in Jesus’ life, and were arranged in a repeat pattern of 7 plus 1:


David M encouraged a small group of singers to begin to learn a new tune to a traditional hymn, and to learn the words and music of a Spiritual which he composed to words from Barbara’s February poem.

The writing focus was to take the pattern of the beads and using inspiration, such as a list of words, from the Hymn, and weave a piece of writing or a poem. The results are available on our creative writing page.

There were also the usual opportunities for quiet, contemplative, prayerful knitting.

Thanks to Pam fore the endless supply of tea and coffee.

We ended the mornings activities by gathering to share our efforts; and a performance (indeed, a world premier!) of the Spiritual “Carry me away”

A lunch followed with soup, made by Jan K, this month it was apple lentil and tomato, or carrot and coriander soup. Delicious as always.

There was bread, cheese, fruit and home-made cakes too around the tables. There was a welcome opportunity to catch up with each other.

We hope you will come and join us next month on Tuesday May 14th 2024. Coffee from 10.00, followed by worship and activities, with lunch around 12.30