Still Life
Exploring faith through creativity
Still Life
Kanzashi flowers
Still Life
The Candle Song
The Cross
The display
Cross backgrounds
Cross Squares
Air drying clay
Junk sculpture
End of the morning
“Amazing Grace How sweet thou art!”
This joyful and spiritual hymn of praise started our morning in Saint George’s church which was decorated with knitted chains, which are now on their way to the Cathedral as part of raising awareness of modern-day slavery.
There was a warm welcome to all followed by an Introduction from Alex, as we continued our series looking at the lives of influential Christians or “Heroes of Faith.”
Then Jan B unfolded the interesting, diverse and sometimes surprising story of
This was extended into an insight into the slavery situation in Britain and other parts of the world with some shocking statistics and the work being undertaken to stop this. We had time to reflect and to pray. Thank you, Jan.
Sue explained the variety of activities for the morning: some knitting of chains, chain stitch, making of bookmarks and creative writing. The prayerful knitting was available as well as a colouring activity, which are both very calming.
The large group of knitters became most animated and inspired a poem!
The delicate chain stitching became birds and many memories were shared, whilst the designing and making of bookmarks was also popular.
The coffee and biscuits were plentiful, thank you Pam and Carolyn, and aided the creative juices!
At the end of the morning there was the opportunity to share our art work, creative writing and feelings.
To see this month’s creative writing, click here.
Jan K promised us home-made soup, “parsnip and not much apple” or gazpacho, it was excellent!
The next meeting is on Tuesday November 8th with coffee from 9.30.
Please come and join us, but do check this site or our Facebook page before your journey to make sure the session is not cancelled! We look forward to seeing you.
Hello to you all,
We hope you have a great Summer visiting family and friends now life seems to be returning slowly to what it once was.
We are excited about when we can meet you all again in person and share some artistic creations and God filled moments with you. We are in the process of planning when and how that will be but rest assured we do want to be back with you all! We will be contacting you again in September when we will have more ideas as to how this can happen.
Meanwhile we give thanks for the way God has watched over us all during this pandemic, the way we have kept faith with one another and kept in touch and for the Hope that He alone brings. We continue to hold onto the words from 1 Peter 1:3-4:
“Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ! In his great mercy he has given us new birth into a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead, and into an inheritance that can never perish, spoil or fade. This inheritance is kept in heaven for you”
Meanwhile if you have any creative juices flowing in art, poetry, collage, gardening, needlecraft do post them in for our website, for all to see.
Bless you all and we will be in touch in September.
Love Alex x and Sue x
Ruth Campsall has been busy:
“I have called upon some almost redundant sewing skills in order to make this little fox as a gift for my granddaughter.”
In this strange in-between time I thought it was a good moment to take out a unfinished rag rug, I had been making some time ago.
Rag rugs were made by prodding and hooking pieces of old material into burlap, often old sacks. The craft is still explored, but more often in North America.
Fortunately I still had lots of relevant material, so there was no excuse not to get started! I remembered that there were knitting groups, who pray as they knit. I felt that this would be a good opportunity to seek God’s guidance in prayer as one prodded.
As I worked prayers began to develop, but in this account I have only written down the ‘Prayer Points’ (PP)
To start with I was delighted and thankful I could still remember the actual technique needed. PP prayer for all lost talents, and self esteem that accompanies many with dementia and brain damage.
Many of my material pieces were cut from
clothing bought in charity shops. PP prayer for all charities struggling to raise funds during this difficult time.
Some of the clothes may well have been made in sweatshops both here and abroad, often in appalling conditions and with poor pay. PP prayer that these conditions will be improved, with children’s welfare being considered, and proper pay being given to the workers.
Having seen an exhibition of clothes collected on beaches which were washed up from shipwrecked refugee boats. PP prayer for all refugees struggling for a better life.
Years ago these mats were often all that people had to cover their floors. PP thankfulness that people are much more ready to recycle, and care for our natural resources.
The pieces were like people. PP we give thanks for all who have helped and shaped us in many different ways, now and in the past.
The actual sitting and quietly prodding, has created a time of peace. PP pray that in this difficult time people, through God’s help, find what brings them true peace and hope for the future.
The mat is nearly finished, and I am sure more prayers will form. I will still need help in making a backing for the mat, how true, it is only God that will give us all the strength and shape for wear in this world and into eternity.
We had our second ‘Zoom’ gathering at the end of March.
A big ‘thank you’ to all who took part in it, for the wonderful and quite emotional dramas, to the lovely music and such meaningful prayers and the beautiful art work from our archives and to all who joined in. The sharing time at the end was so special, hearing people’s heartfelt stories will stay with me.
Here are some samples from the morning – memories for those who were there, glimpses of what you missed for everyone else:
Using last years palm cross as a base; I glued metal objects such as washers, staples, nails etc to represent the nuts and bolts of life. The cross, as a Christian symbol, represents for me Christ holding together our lives.
At Christmas I was tasked with helping to remove the Christmas tree from the balcony of the church and it was suggested that it should be saved for an Easter project. The project was to trim it, cut it and form a cross to represent the crucifixion. A prime bit of recycling, representing the journey from birth to death.
I made these crosses from woven painted paper strips, the random patterns and weaving reflecting how God takes every aspect of my life and weaves it together for his purposes. I have now added the lettering ‘He is risen’ and ‘Our Loving Hope’ and sent them for my Easter cards.
While making the cross, I felt most grateful for all the spiritual help over many years from churches and people. However, it was difficult to imagine the sheer horror of the crucifixion. I remembered the large cross we made at Kingdom Arts, with the triumphant gold of the resurrection on the reverse of the horror and we must give thanks for this especially at this time.
Holy week has always been a very important week for me, not only following the way of Jesus every day from Palm Sunday through to Easter Day but because of a significant event that happened in Holy week many years ago. My Dad, who was a wonderful Christian and who I was very close to, died in Holy week. I had sat with him and my sister and Mum for several days when he was so ill. I took some cross stitch work and made lots of different shaped crosses which I gave to the staff caring for him. This Holy week I decided to make some Dorset buttons and make them into a cross to place in our window. We have been studying the book “Living His Story” this Lent and how to share our story of faith with those we meet. I am hoping the cross will be a talking point in sharing my story with my neighbours. I have made the cross in yellows and golds, the colours of the Resurrection.
My cross is made from cubic letter beads which one of my grandchildren originally made into a bracelet for me. The letters spell out the several different names by which the family call me: Ruth, Grandma, Grandma Ruth, Mandma and simply Mum. I used these letters to make my cross.
As I gazed upon it and thought of the Easter story the scripture from Galatians 2:20 came to mind. “I have been crucified with Christ, and the life I now live in the flesh I live by the faith of the Son of God who loved me and gave Himself for me.”
It occurred to me that just as Jesus died for each one of us and rose again from the dead to give us resurrection life, using the letters of my name to make the cross was a symbolic way of expressing this reality for me personally.
Arranged by Gareth Roberts, Sue’s son-in-law.
Take some ordinary pegs and remove the springs . . .
IMPORTANT: Allow the glue to dry after each stage. Be patient.
Remove the springs and glue 13 of the pegs back-to-back. Leave the last peg unglued . . .
Glue three pegs together . . .
Make four of these.
Extend the fourth one using the remaining glued peg and the last two halves and glue together as shown . . .
Position the four arms of the cross.
I found it useful to draw a cross on paper as a guide.
Glue on a centre piece of your choosing. This gives the cross a little more strength.
The cross can then be left plain or decorated.
The final cross
Remove the springs and glue the pegs back together. (15 separate pegs – not one great big lump!)
Paint five pegs a different colour (I’ve painted mine black)
Glue three pegs as shown below. The middle peg should be black, but I’ve made it grey so you can see how they are arranged more easily. With hindsight, I see that I should have used a lighter colour than black!
Make five of these.
Glue them onto a backing as shown.
Check out the internet for ideas or experiment.
You can use full size pegs or smaller ones sold by on-line craft shops.
The very small ones are a bit fiddly.
To see the March 2021 Journal
click here >> March 2021 Journal