February 14th
A Dutch theme was evident this morning with clogs, tulips and delft patterns on display alongside an array of handmade books.
Alex offered a warm welcome to all and we gathered to sing “Christ be our Light “and “Such Love”.
Alison G gave a talk about
Corrie Ten Boon
a brave Christian, and watchmaker, who hid Jews in her house in Holland during the war as part of an escape route, until she and her sister were arrested and taken to a series of concentration camps. Following that experience Corrie continued her long life as a Christian speaker and writer.
A time of prayer and reflection followed, where we prayed for the earthquake victims, survivors and aid agencies.
All of the creative activities centred around the Dutch theme.
Cherry led a group in Origami where the task was to fold the paper into a tulip. It transpired that this was “open to interpretation” and some of the group’s tulips had a slightly different design.
There was a table for book making with colourful covers and glued and stitched pages and this will be an ongoing process with more to learn each month guided by Sue.
The free art table gave opportunities to experiment with the Delft pottery palate of blue and white.
The card making with Alison G featured cogs and wheels to reflect the work of our Hero. The designs were imaginative and the card could be used to write a memorable phrase or a message.
The prayerful knitting was available as usual, which is very calming and meditative activity with time to rest and pray.
For those who wished to express themselves in writing, there was the creative writing table, a jug of tulips to provide inspiration and jog memories.
To see this month’s creative writing, click here.
Coffee and biscuits were available throughout the morning. Thank you, Pam.
Finally, there was the opportunity to exhibit and share our art work, talk about how the activities made us feel and finish with a blessing
The home-made soup offered a choice of sweet potato or broccoli soup, with optional additions of peanuts or Spring onions. They were pronounced delicious! The selection of cake was also much enjoyed, the lemon drizzle was moist and yummy!
Our next meeting is on Tuesday March 14th starting from 10.00am with coffee from 9.30. The theme of Heroes of Faith continues and the ever-popular soup lunch and a warm Kingdom Arts welcome to all.