13th March 2018
“I am the Resurrection and the Life”
Luke 11:17-44
This month completed the cycle of the “I am …” sayings of Jesus.
We began with joyful songs, followed by our reading, contemplation by David New and prayers led by Alex. It was so enjoyable to greet new participants who all seemed to have a good morning, and conversation flowed.
The surprisingly original new activity was based on the Lego Bible and 3 Lego scenes were built, the journey into Jerusalem on Palm Sunday, the Last Supper and the Crucifixion. There was such enjoyment and wonderful cooperation during the trickier assembly and as the painted or collage backgrounds were created to accompany each scene, the final result was amazing. [Please look at the photographs.]
Creative writing was on the theme of life after death.
There were decorative handmade flowers for an Easter garden crafted with paper which were quite detailed and very lovely.
The free art table with colour pastels gave scope for imagination and talent with wonderful results.
The tree of life project is nearing completion and apples were hand embellished as a penultimate stage. The completed work will be hung for our Kingdom Arts Exhibition from May 17th until 19th, so save a date and come and see our amazing work.
The session ended with song accompanied by David and Vicky M.
Lunch followed with a favourite soup, curried parsnip [from our recipe book] and a new pasta soup.
Our next meeting is on April 17th [a week later than usual]. We look forward to meeting you then.
For this month’s pictures, see the Gallery
For this month’s written word, see Creative Writing
Also, make sure you see the news about our upcoming exhibition.