June Gathering

13th June 2017

“And suddenly from Heaven”

The morning began with “the sound like the rush of a violent wind” as, accompanied by musical percussion instruments, Alex read from Acts 2 v 1-13. This dramatic introduction was uplifting, reminding us that the Holy Spirit was among us.

The activities that followed gave opportunities to paint, write or create mobiles, windmills and chimes to blow in the wind.

The painting challenge was to depict the Holy Spirit using paints but no brushes and some of the work produced was really effective.

In creative writing, a City News was produced with thoughts and writing about the experiences of the Disciples.

The mobiles of red orange and yellow felt flames were both colourful and delicate. “They are like life, sometimes not quite balanced until all is in line”.

David New’s challenge was to make a windmill; it seemed simple but had complex design and has become homework for those keen to finish it off.

John’s instructions for assembling the copper pipes, a CD and string, wire and a button overseen by David, were followed carefully and enthusiastically, with cries for help when one pair of hands didn’t seem enough. It was a thrilling moment when they rang their chimes during the final prayer.

This month as well as tomato soup, there was an unusual chilled avocado soup accompanied by rolls, cheese, grapes and home-made cakes.

It has been a wonderful year at Kingdom Arts and we take a break until Tuesday September 12th.

Until we meet again may the power of the Holy Spirit be with you.

For this month’s pictures, see the Gallery