January 2019 Writing


A new life
Changing habits
Sins forgiven
New life
Cleanse away the old life

Washes me clean
Jesus brings the water of life
Flowing freely for all

Baptismal candle
Light of the world
Pure clear light
Jesus the light

© a writing group member

Our Salvation

He came to us
Within the animals warm shelter
Surrounded by deep love
Adored by humble shepherds
And forecasting noblemen
Gifts, He absorbed within his being
In waiting to pour upon us
He grew in understanding and readiness
Readiness to be both man and spirit
With the cleansing invigorating water
Flowing from John’s hands
And the blessing of reassurance from God
May we lift our hands in thankfulness
For this outpouring love
And continual resurrections
To feel that flow of blessed water
And life-giving Holy Spirit
Through all our journeys
In this life and the next.

© Helen McNicholl


Oh Lord you sent your Dove and in descending
In a flash of understanding
You revealed the Holy Spirit
And gently touched my soul
I was reborn

©Barbara Rolison

Water and Creation

A guiding star leads the way
To the cradle in the stall
There a new born baby lay
Created with water
Born of water
Growing to manhood
Then baptised with water
God proclaiming to the world “my beloved son”
Filled with the Holy Spirit
Water of life wash over me
Sparkle thro’ my being
Cleanse me and create me anew
Watch the water fall over my face
Catching the rainbows beams
Water dancing in a myriad of colours
Water so necessary in creation

God’s Holy Son
Leads our way
Into prayer thro’ the waters of the river of life
To dream, to praise, to give thanks to be filled with the Holy Spirit in our turn
Called into “being” by water
Called to be caretakers of the waters of our world
Called to embrace the life giving powers of water
Called to be swept into life in the middle of the river of life
Called into worship of our creator

© Jenny English