February writing 2023


The Holy Christmas Light
has shone its message
of love, peace and hope
over the World once more,
amidst all the difficulties
and tears of pain and joy.
Now we must travel onward,
believing in God’s purifying, endless
Feeling worthy to be part of that
Learning to love one another.
Searching, and using, our God-given gifts.
Finding strength to break up unploughed Earth,
and moving prayerfully into life ahead.

© Helen McNicholl

The Jug of Tulips.

Tightly closed they rise to a pointed tip as if hiding a secret.
Petals enfolding petals like Christ’s love wrapping around us.
Is faith like these tulips?
Does faith grow as slowly as the petals?
Carefully, cautiously opening.
Taking time
Until our inner selves are revealed like the stamens?
Affirmation that only now, like the tulips, we bow to his will
By dropping our petals at his feet.

© Barbara Rolison


A land conquering tides
And building dykes and wind mills
To let the water flow
In tune with man and God
As lowing cattle grow
And bulbs of every hue.

The canals like ribbons
Alive with boats, flowers and ducks
Beneath an open sky
A backdrop for Gods glory
Feasts of cheese and pickled eels
Armies of bicycles
Tandems challenge
Who’s in charge?
May God lead the way
Across this land of scents and beauty.

© Helen McNicholl

Why worry?

Worrying doesn’t empty tomorrow of its sorrow
It empties today of its strength.
So why worry?
Worry is my way of anticipating the worst scenario.
A self-protecting shield against disaster
No better than a reassuring plaster.
A fret that picks my brain not to forget that happiness is not a given.
But it shuts me off from Heaven.

Self-concern that seeks to stand apart
A little lost sheep bleating in my heart
I weaken and I writhe inside
It makes me want to run away and hide
Alarmed and caught in a thorn bush of my own making.
I see my shepherd, staff in hand He’s coming.
He is goodness and mercy overwhelming
What a relief as he speaks love for me
Such love, such truth, such strength and security.

© Chris Graham

A Million Tears

As distant on-lookers
what can we say,
what can we do?
We are horror-struck.
Even from afar
our senses are numb and shaken.
Sights beyond our understanding.

Help us Lord
to feel their plight,
their anguish,
their brutal pain.
Torn families,
shattered homes,
the penetrating cold.

But our Lord understands.
He lives with every soul,
Alive or risen.
Strengthening every helping hand,
driven by love for humankind.
Blessing heart-felt gifts
from far and wide.

He knows our prayers.
Oh Lord, let them feel your balm:
Nightmares calmed,
Healing tears shed
Hope kept alive,
Fears quietened.
Comfort them Lord
With Your unfailing love.

© Helen McNicholl


October writing 2022

Chains   No Voice

Eyes that look
No longer seeing
Blankness stares back.
I long to reach out to touch your skin
Your life, your soul
To warm the coldness that surrounds
Bones that are weary and sore
Chained to others.
No choices, No voice, No seeing.
I see you and controlled silence supports you
Drowning in the waters of oppression
This is your food to eat
It is the water you drink.
And we are blind
We see you, yet we have not seen.

© Shefali Hollis

Chains are just rings

Chains are just rings
Linked together
Loop around a loop
Circle encircling a circle
Like hands joined and held firm in life’s dance
Around and around.
A chain of prayers will surround the earth and return
To the beginning
Empowering each of us and capturing the chains.

© Barbara Rolison


Binding us together
Chains to hold on to,
Guiding us along life’s paths.
Hold on too tight, and they start to bind us.
Family chains— recognising DNA patterns,
All through time, and our history
Spreading on into the future.
Passing on the links of family chains, on to the next generation.
Christ came to break the chains of
poverty and slavery.
Of wars and violence. Your chains.
He hung on a cross and died for
the chains inherent in society.
Where, oh where is freedom,
Can we recognise and know those destructive chains,
With His help, can they be removed.
Can we be free to be the grains of sand,
tossed in the tide, blown in the wind.
As we are tossed and blown, do we share, care and love each other,
Does His spirit set us free ?
To be open, set free, accepting
Of who and where we are.
Our chains falling off
Free to be who we are created to be,
By the Creator of all.

© Jenny English

They Knit and they Natter

Because they care
And the chains reflect
That they see and it says
You matter.
Chains of all colours, caste and creed
Reaching around the world
To all the enslaved
And crying in need
They see you, hear you and want to free you.
And so they knit and they natter
To remind themselves and others
That you are not forgotten
You matter.

© Shefali Hollis

Tunes of Change

We are all children of God
Bells are there to be rung
Ring the changes
Far and Wide
Cut the chains
That strangle and bind
Keep the chains that bind us together
In love and true action
Let the tunes be loud and clear
Throughout the whole world.

© Helen McNicholl


June Writing 2022

Through the eyes of a Child

Two little fish and five small loaves
Enough for me I suppose.
And if I should to the Master give
All of these, I still would live.

What would He do with my small gift?
Not much to work with, serving the drift
Of hungry followers, looking for food
Forgotten midst their search for God.

Would He make it be more than enough
To feed this crowd? That would be tough.
And yet it feels I have no choice.
I must give it all. I hear his voice

Calling me up to give what I can.
Not an “also watched” but an “also ran”.
We know the story and how it ends.
My gift enlarged, He fed our friends.

Some leftover? Yes, some to spare.
How did He do it – this act of care?
The outcome is not mine to ask.
My giving inspired a noble task

In the hands of Him who sees it all,
And multiplies whatever is small.
The least offering we bring to the table
Is enlarged by Him for he is able.

What will my next offering be?
Or yours? To Him who on that tree
Gave all and shouted, “It is done!”
Let’s give ourselves, My dear ones, “Come!”

Ruth Campsall

Thought for Today

Jesus never fails to amaze me, how he conducts himself, how his personality draws the crowds and everyone is in awe of what he has to say.
The parables give such a strong message and give us the ability to ponder and think.
We draw our faith from Him each day.
He is our strength at all times, when things go wrong or times are good.
When Len and I married my mother said “care for each other and never let differences last a long time and keep the Lord at your side always”
When Len died suddenly 30 years ago my faith saw me through. Also, the love of my family and friends.
I feel very fortunate having four grandchildren who are very caring towards me.
My life is good, living in Worcester for 22 years with friends I have made and also happy to have a church family too. At 85 I am able to look after myself and have a walk every day in this very pleasant area.
Homenash is good as we are a little community and gather in our lounge to chat or play cards, bingo or scrabble. We often get together and enjoy food together.
My life I feel is very good.
I do say Thank You each day for the life I have.

© Pearl Capewell


May Writing 2022


Light our souls to walk your path Lord
Lighten heavy burdens and pain.
Ignite candles in every dark corner
Ignite hope to conquer despair and fear.
Greet the unexpected with new light
Greet all travellers with love.
Help us to be people of light
Help the world to reflect in heavenly glory.
Take the glory of the resurrection into all hearts
Take our praise and thanks Lord.


© Helen McNicholl Kingdom Arts May 2022

Shine your light Lord.

Where does Your light shine Lord?
It shines for me:
through soft falling rain in sunlight
through giant rainbows
through a lightening flash.

It shines:
through the drifting fragrance of Hawthorn blossom
the scent of lily of the valley
the smell of ripe tomatoes on the vine
and good red wine.

It shines:
through the sound of children playing outdoors
through laughter
through water trickling into a pool bubbling over stones
through voices raised in songs of praise
through music.

It shines:
through the eyes of a loved one
through a soft touch or gentle kiss
through smiles
through a hand held in friendship.

Your light shines throughout Your world.
Lord let Your light shine through me.

© Barbara Rolison Kingdom Arts 10.05.22

Mother Teresa

Kind lady, you who did not race
I see the love in your gentle face.
Your skin, wrinkled now, like it’s paid a price
For the goodness you’ve sown throughout your life.

You’re so small but you have lived
A life so full, so very big.
Small acts of kindness now multiplied
By the love of Jesus, the One who died.

The life He gave you, you’ve lived so well
Rescuing those who, truth to tell,
Had lost all hope, had no-one to care,
Would have died alone, but you were there.

The broken hearts, the broken lives,
Sickness and poverty, part of life’s demise.
Family and friends who once stayed to care
Worn out by grief were no longer there.

But you, my dear one, stayed and stayed
Until the end, life in death displayed.
This grace you carry, this life so true
Has sustained and strengthened you.

‘Tis clear to all who care to look,
This love of God, outside the book,
Gives power and strength to overcome
The visible shame which some would shun.

And you have proved beyond all doubt,
If we but yield He will lead us out
Of our comfort zones, our easy chairs,
To lead a life as one who dares

To follow His lead. Where will we go
Trusting only Him, when we do not know
The time, the place, the cost, the pain?
This much we know…It’s not in vain!

Ruth Campsall May 2022


February Writing 2021

February 1st

From Frances

Based on Isaiah 43

Now you’ve asked me to be your guide, you will know that we tread the path of life together. That means, for you, there will be a new way, a new normal, a new experience. We will be so team spirited that those meandering paths in life will seem straight and the landscape flat to walk on. I will be your shelter, your living water, your nourishment for life’s journey. You can look back, but it will offer you so little reward that you will want to face forward and move forwards. The view will fulfil you completely. Your perception will be clear. No matter what lies ahead, you will know that all is possible with me. You will not need to be afraid. You will see families, friends and nations come together and be reconciled. Enough of this ‘walking solo’. We will have a community focus. I am doing something new. I am bringing a new desire for unity, a new perspective to treasure and you will all want to remain responsible for its care, because you will see that I care for you with a love that is deep, strong, and unquantifiable because of its magnitude.

You know that, like many before you, you have had eras of your life that have left you dry and wanting. You have walked those desert paths! All life tries to protect itself from the rays of the sun, the piercing sun, that burns as though it has doubled in size and intensity. In your desert era, you tried desperately to escape from it but there was no shelter and no way to progress pain free. On those desert paths, walking, hopping, or running burns underfoot, scolds and forms sores on your skin. Anything and everything made your own desert era worse and there was nowhere and no way to hide, though you tried. Desert travel turns the sensations of thirst and hunger into close enemies. Your own desert experience made enemies of your own mind, body, and soul. You endured the valleys of life’s arduous paths whilst being chained to false hope for better times ahead. Those times were like deceptive paths of promise that are steep, rocky, and dangerous to climb. In that time of your life, you longed to see a fresh landscape heralding better times ahead because you felt your life was at stake.

But you can be reassured, pilgrim, your life is safe because I am the author of life. I do not deal death in the way people often understand death. People understand death as an end, as if life is finite but I am without beginning or end and I work outside of time. My time is in the eternal era of ‘everlasting’. You are my creation and life, your life, doesn’t end. Your life is precious to me because I formed you. As your creator, we will always have an indelible connection. There isn’t even anything I would give you up for. I have everything and you are treasured part of my everything. There’s no one I would give you to. Why would I give you to someone or something that I have created, that I already own? I wouldn’t even want to put you under someone else’s authority. To do so wouldn’t make any sense. What would be the point of giving you to someone who would not love you as I love you? I would never part from you because my love and compassion for you is perfect and insurmountable.

So, let’s talk while we walk this journey called life . . .

©Frances Burton

February 17th

Ash Wednesday

As memories of pancakes vanish
the Lenten offering awaits
for bowed heads and contrite hearts.
Humanly torn crosses lie dismantled,
echoing past and present human conflicts,
along with self-made, bewildering human pain
that numbs and paralyses the mind.
But those crosses are blessed,
purified by God’s cleansing fire,
igniting the promise of growth to come.
Blended by drops of healing, Holy oil.
Ready to be used as a witness
to God’s great forgiveness and everlasting Love.
Strengthened with a million uttered prayers
from every race and nation,
And outstretched helping hands,
so that we can live with renewed strength –
in God’s Faith, Hope and Love

Helen McNichol

February 22nd

A reflection from Frances:

The Lord is the Greatest Creator

The Lord is the greatest creator and we are full of joy.

Built into the laws of the universe,
hope can be found in disaster
and we are included so we can bring hope
and light up love as the answer.

Integral to the laws of the universe,
growth is seen in unforeseen places
and deep inside we thirst to thrive
and do the unexpected.

Innate within the laws of the universe,
We can find peace in discord and separation,
and we are included so that we can bring
accord and reparation.

Inherent in the laws of the universe,
There is a pure source of patience,
And we are included so we can resource
patience in static situations.

The Lord is the greatest creator and we are full of joy.

Reflection on Psalm 126 verse 3 by Frances Burton


January Writing 2021

January 17th

Two reflective pieces of creative writing from Helen:
‘Thoughts during a Cold Spell.’

A Changing World

We went to bed with temperatures falling,
and awoke to a changed, white, still World,
reminiscent of Winter coverings
in closed holiday homes.
And a bleary-eyed sun struggled to shine,
but ice-encrusted grass blades rose up,
ready for moral combat.
Piles of dormant, brown, Autumn leaves –
transformed into jewel-decked treasures.
The robin puffed up his feathers,
as we put on another jumper,
and found our protective clothing.
The elderly stayed at home,
while youngsters slide on ice with glee.
Motorists muttered quietly
as they scraped away the clinging frost,
to give them clearer vision
What are our homeless thinking?
Will they survive another night?
With God’s help and strength we will survive
to face and help a changing World.
Helen McNicholl.

Thoughts on a late afternoon Winter Walk

Thoughtfully I kicked my way
through motionless leaves,
fallen from resting trees.
Suddenly a breath of the Holy Spirit
sent the leaves flying and twirling.
A glorious resurrection before my eyes,
filling my heart with hope and joy.
Words from long ago were remembered;
uttered by a ‘wheelchair bound’ Joan.
“Oh Joy, when I’m in God’s Kingdom
I will walk, run and dance again.”
Do we try to dance to your tune God?
A seagull was perched on an old telegraph pole,
an avian refugee from coastal parts,
sampling Birmingham’s kind inclusiveness.
Was he dreaming of distant waves,
beating against rugged cliffs and ledges,
which once were home and company?
Or was he just thinking
‘I am King of the Castle’ ?
Who reigns supreme in our lives?
Gazed in wonder at the day’s last trumpet call,
overwhelmed by the colours of the setting sun.
How often have we missed the vision –
working late, pulling curtains?
Silhouetted, stripped trees were standing proud,
Their pure shapes visible for all to see.
No disguise or pretence.
Has Advent de-cluttered us?
The warmth of home beckoned
like the stable long ago welcoming shepherds.
Thank you Lord that you welcome all
to the home of your heart.
Helen McNicholl.

November Writing 2020

November 10th

Crossing Over

The evening was closing in
with shadows lengthening
As Jesus found a boat
and a willing crew of disciples
for a gentle crossing, so they thought.
How often do we hope for calm,
when all can be shattered in an instant?
Suddenly a storm raged all around them,
sending up mountain high waves,
like man-made dreams and plans,
only to crash and swamp the deck.
The wind tearing at clothes and hair,
control of thought and mind gone.
All that remained was dreaded fear,
A human, untamed inner instinct –
But our Saviour heard their cries of…


The same cry that echoes now
through a hundred million prayers.
In a world of unknown certainties
His answer, the same forever.


Listen to my words
I am here at all times
With Fatherly love and understanding
to lead you though unknown waters,
and cross you over to a safe shore,
here and now, and into eternity.

©Helen, November 2020


October Writing 2020

October 19th

God’s Gifts

One morning an engulfing, mysterious mist
scattered pearls over grass and webs,
heralding the passing Summer.
Awakening us to a bountiful, God-given Autumn,
resplendent with His promised gifts,
and the work of human hands.

The oxygen-giving heroes of trees and bushes
start wearing newly coloured robes
of yellow, gold and earthy brown,
While others burst into flaming reds,
enough to stop the World
and take away our breath.
Remembering the God-revealing burning bush
and past evening ‘fire-side watching’,
seeing glowing pictures and dreaming dreams.

Leaves begin to crave a rest.
Twist, float and tumble down to Earth,
covering all before them
with magical, mosaic-like patterns.
There are popping, flying, scattered seeds
for birds and animals alike.
Hidden, stored and eaten in plenty.
Will that industrious squirrel
ever find his hidden treasure?

Parent weary birds rest,
Restoring and preening battered feathers,
while others escape from Winter’s unknown forecast.
Bees make a last search for nectar pure and sweet
in flowerbeds, fields and heather-clad hills.
Barns filled with life-giving grain
to sustain our daily needs,
and humans gather bulging goodness
from across our land.

The agonising cry of the fox
echoes through the air, searching for love.
While human tears fall for answering prayers,
and our hearts sing silently.
God, may all be safely gathered in
for everyone across the World.

© Helen McNicholl October 2020

October 7th


A ripe rosy apple has fallen from the tree
It lies alone, glistening in the rain-soaked grass until
A small brown black slug slides across the skin looking for
A place to enter and spread the rot
Like the doubts and anxieties entering my thoughts to spread discontentment
Shall despair takes hold?
I remove the slug
I wash the apple clean then
Like Eve I invite you to share it.

© Barbara Rolison, Kingdom Arts, 2020


September Writing 2020

September 21st

Two pieces of writing concerned with this month’s theme of New Beginnings.

Starting Afresh

We left behind
the steep wooden stairs,
the wilderness garden
with the rosemary bushes
and the pale pink roses
against their stately arch.

Some regrets, Yet God gives us strength
for today and for all that tomorrow brings,

We had to refurbish the new bungalow
new carpets, new curtains, new kitchen
with primrose yellow paint throughout.
Everything new, fitting in our belongings
to make it a home.

Still some regrets, Yet God gives us strength
for today and all that the future brings.

Two years on we are settled in.
White roses grow on brickwork
near the front latticed window.
Rosemary, geraniums and lavender flourish.
No regrets only pleasure and joy
at creation human and divine.

While still God loves us; His compassion fails not.
He carries us beyond our future into eternity.

©Rosemary Orr, September 2020

Beginnings: Taste, Touch and See

There is something exciting about New Beginnings.

Like opening a new untouched book. Or starting a new page of a journal to write in. Running my hand over the clean page and smelling the freshness of paper. Or tasting that new bread recipe straight from the oven. Taste, touch and see beginnings.

What about opening the curtains and watching the new dawn break and sun begin its journey on a new day. Another Covid-19 lockdown walk early in the morning. When the mist still lingers between the trees and the leaves are changing colour as they begin their journey towards letting go. Dying that they may help feed new life. Amazing nature. A new day begins…. Beginnings, Taste, Touch and See.

So many changes, changes bringing new challenges and stretching our inner resources to embrace new beginnings as we learn to let go of the old ways of being, doing and living. Beginnings, Taste, Touch and See.

Life is filled with beginnings and endings. A time and season for all things. This world is forever changing. Yet it reminds me of the Truth. There is One who was at The Beginning of all things.

In the beginning was the word, And the word was with God. And the word was God. He was with God in the beginning.

There were those who had seen Him. Touched Him. Smelt Him and tasted of Him. They wrote. “That which was from the beginning, which we have seen and heard. We have looked at and our hands have touched. This we are telling you and want you to know”. New beginnings are stirring and bringing new ways of living, doing and being.

So now we continue to have a new challenge in Kingdom Arts of how to connect, to share and express ourselves to each other….to fellowship in a new way. Let’s remember it’s all about Him. The One who helps us, who never changes and remains Faithful to His word. A new day, a new way. He is our beginning and He will be there at the end. Never changing.

Shefali September 2020

September 15th

Two pieces by Rosemary Orr


We chose the rocky beach,
having walked too long
on strands of silk,
down avenues of lush green.

Now we needed a challenge,
stumbling across stones, boulders,
slipping into pools of slime,
dense murky algae.

We chose the rocky beach
pockmarked our feet,
but we had been somewhere,
leaving not just footprints
in the sand.

God’s Garden

Garden of deep peace
nestling in strong sunlight.
Here we pray for strength,
for encouragement in difficult times.
Nearby daffodils and cowslips
rustle in the cold wind.

The garden is empty
save for the two of us.
We drink some orange juice,
then the early Spring sun
bids us slowly depart.

September 8th

David New has continued to ponder the theme of creation from previous months and has called to mind trees from various periods of his life that have been significant for him:-


Seven stately Ash
marked the path that ran
beyond the end
of my childhood garden.
Gentle southwest winds
rustling the branches
“had language for me.”

Pollarded willows
edged the banks
of the old mill stream
while we lazed
in the water-meadow field
with vetch and buttercup and buzzing bugs,
eating double-decker sandwiches.

Towering Elms
crowning the hill of
Beckenham golf course
with trunks too big to be hugged
even by us two boys.
Alas the nineteen sixties
swept them all away!

Golden pendules of Laburnum
overhung the pavement
from garden fronts
of suburban brick-box homes;
brightening up
the daily walk to school.

One big Chestnut tree
covered the corner
of the school playground.
Elegant white candles in the spring;
Abundant summer foliage;
And in the autumn,
Conkers galore.
Overwhelming generosity
from the Creator.
And all for fun!

Bright white slender trunks
mark the parking lots
for fossil-fuelled family cars.
But tiny dancing leaves
are no match
for the carbon-footprint need.
Yet still the white bark shines.

David New 2020


August Writing 2020

August 8th

Paradoxical dandelions appear everywhere,
so often not wanted or admired.
Torn up by despairing gardeners,
long roots clinging on like expert mountaineers,
creating chaos on manicured lawns.
But those who really look…
‘What beauty! A joyous, uplifting colour,
like home-spun golden cloth’,
adding piquancy to salad bowls,
and vitamins to spur us on.
But they have the last laugh,
as ‘blown clocks’, they fly with ease
to pastures new in mischievous glee.

©2020 Helen McNichol

God’s garden

The harebells ring out their news,
the Summer is on the turn.
Wild rose petals fall like confetti
Letting the hips fill with goodness.
Bird’s-foot-trefoil and the heather
Ooze with luscious tempting nectar,
ready for the magic touch of bees
turning their harvest into liquid gold.
Children love the clinging cleavers,
sending laughter ringing through the air.
‘He loves me, he loves me not…’
Swinecress mysteriously powders our motorways
like the waves at their native seaside.
Foxgloves sway in the breeze,
oblivious to their future hearty cures.
The honeysuckle’s perfume fills the air,
to join the myriad of other scents
from Earth’s flowering garden.
Along with healing herbs and thoughts,
and ripening nuts and berries,
creating nature’s patchwork quilt.
Resplendent in colour, beauty and form,
to fulfil God’s everlasting gift.

©2020 Helen McNichol