Trinity dancer, You came, Loving Lord
Flow of indwelling Love circling Your veins
Ye eternity in Your breath
Freedom in communion
Came into bustling, tumbling humanity
Crowds touching, following, circling You round.
Needs, noise, every word dissected
Your heart open to all
You often yearned for stillness; space of breath,
Yet never alone. Unless in a crowd.
You stilled our storms, healed our anguish,
Met all our outstretched hands.
But when Your human heart yearned to us
For companion, healing, holding touch…
Where were we then? O Dear Lord, now
We long to dry Your tears.
We walk alone so often, deep in heart
But there You always meet us, stand by us.
You touch, anoint, when we feel left alone.
In solidarity.
Victoria Barlow
The Crown of Thorns

Pilate: I must save
My face, hold on to power.
Christ gave all, saved all.
Christ carries the cross.
He, the willing substitute,
For us, the condemned.
Bearing the burden
Of war, oppression, sickness.
Stumbling but bearing.
Underneath it all.
Deeper than the worst you know.
He is there for us.
He meets his mother,
Not understanding, but there.
Be there and bear it.
Simon takes the cross.
Press-ganged to join the free man.
Disciple for life.
Jesus falls again
How embarrassing, we say,
Jesus understands.
Christ meets the women.
Weep not for yourselves, he said.
But for your children.
Christ, nailed to the cross.
Such unbearable pain, Lord,
How did you forgive?
My God, where are you?
I feel all desolation.
Paradise today!
I am so thirsty.
I crave relief, acquittal,
For my oppressors.
Behold, your mother.
Fellowship in suffering.
Church is born right here.
His body hangs limp
In the setting sun, heaven
Opens doors to earth.
Lifeless in her arms
He lies, all agony gone.
Grief and tears and peace.
They buried Jesus,
Joseph and Nicodemus,
In the rich man’s grave.
What was it, Jesus?
Stirred in them this act of faith?
“Hearts touched by my love.”
Silent Saturday.
Sabbath rest in stone cold tomb.
Peace that saves the world.
Let go and let God.
Prison cell prayer; being still.
Miracles follow!
David New
People all shapes and sizes
Different thoughts and beliefs
Waving palms with thoughts of a coming King.
How did Jesus see them?
With love and Understanding.
The fearful gathering
Dismayed at foot-washing
Not from the Master!
How did Jesus see them?
His loved ones, His brothers, His children.
The meal set for all,
The sharing of bread and wine,
A foretaste of His body and blood.
What did Jesus hope for?
An echoing continual thanksgiving
Remembering His universal forgiveness and love.
The creeping away, Judas
With thoughts of money and betrayal.
Have we crept quietly away?
How did Jesus see him?
Ever knowing, grieving.
In the garden the absence God created
Deep prayer amongst scents and sounds
Sleeping disciples and a broken heart.
How did Jesus see God?
With slow acceptance and pain.
Upon the cross in anguish
Gasping for breath, skin tearing
Two robbers, family support.
How did Jesus see them?
With Forgiveness, concern and love.
Leaving the tomb, risen in Glory
Accomplished, one with the Father
New life for the mission of God.
How do we see Jesus?
Our Saviour, our Hope and Joy
The path for life into Eternity.
Helen McNicol