Oct 2015 Writing: Words and Music

The very first session of Kingdom Arts explored the opening chapter of the first book of the Bible,  Genesis.
This song was developed from thoughts of The Creation.

“And God saw that it was good”

Watch a sunset fade on a summer’s day
Or the raindrops clinging to a window pane
The Spirit speaks
The Spirit speaks to me
“And know I give you these.”

See the branches bending in the breeze
The shim’ring whispering dancing leaves
The Spirit speaks
The Spirit speaks to me
“And take good care of these.”

From the awesome beauty of a star-filled sky
To the dazzling sheen of a drifting damselfly.

I stand in awe of all I see
And thank the Lord that it came to be
The Spirit speaks
The Spirit speaks to me
“Know I am here with thee.”

© 2015 David Moore