January 2019 Gathering

8th January 2019

“The Baptism of Jesus in the River Jordan”
Mark 1:1-11

Greetings of Happy New Year filled the air as we assembled this morning.
Wonderfully harmonious music and voices accompanied our introductory song, “Come down O Love divine”. The reading was from Mark’s gospel invoking the Holy Spirit brought as if by a dove.

More melodious songs and then the introduction by David New of iconography, traditional and modern, depicting the Holy Spirit at the Baptism of Christ. This was our inspiration.

It was translated into art using fabric and stitching to depict ribbons of water in tones of blue with beading.

The clay table invited us to experiment and there were interesting results.

The charcoal drawing stimulated some artistic representations of the dove and the Holy Spirit.

Mosaic tiles were on offer at the “challenging” table and there were attempts to rise to the challenge of making a dove or flames using small squares and a great deal of imagination and skill.

The writing table had to be extended as our group had amazing ideas and were eager to put them onto paper.

The morning ended with a plenary session when resulting works were shared.  This was followed by a unique lunch held in the church with bread, cheese and pickle and followed by fruit and cake. (The kitchen is being replaced and soup will resume next month).

Our next meeting is on Tuesday February 12th
when the theme of water continues,
we hope to see you then.

For this month’s pictures, see the Gallery

For this month’s words, see Creative Writing