12th December 2017
“I am the light of the world”
There were 27 intrepid enthusiasts who braved the wintry conditions to be part of our December celebration, our final session of the year.
We began with worship, reading John 8:12, singing hymns that reflected on light and learning a new hymn sung in parts, which was a most joyful sound followed by a time of thoughtful prayer.
There was thrilling news that our first Kingdom Arts Christmas tree, decorated by many handicrafts, was safely installed in the cloisters of Worcester Cathedral and can be visited until January 4th. (See the separate news report for more information and some pictures).
This month’s activities were designed around the theme of light.
A splendid collage was created, based on the famous 1854 William Holman Hunt painting “The Light of the World”. It is an original and beautiful interpretation.
There were stars created in cross stitch and highly technical 3D lanterns and more glorious bright gold or silver winged angels were crafted. The writing was based on the theme of light and emerged on blank jigsaw puzzles.
The morning ended with soup, spiced cauliflower or a new version of purple soup with cranberries for a taste of Christmas.
From all at Kingdom Arts we wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year hoping to see you on Tuesday January 9th 2018
May God’s blessing be with you all.
See this month’s wonderful range of arts and crafts in the Gallery