We do not know when our next meeting will be,
so our journal continues . . .
If you want to see the earlier entries,
click here >> Coronavirus Journal for May
click here >> Coronavirus Journal for April
June 24th
Two pieces of writing to stimulate:-
A trip to the tip
A trip to the trip is not the most inspiring of pastimes.
Well, I’ve never thought so before, but take a look at Shefali’s thoughts on that very topic.
Click here >> June 2020 Writing
Ordinary time
Some churches call the period after Pentecost ‘Ordinary Time’.
Helen has thoughts on this. Click on ‘June 2020 Writing’ above.
June 18th
Music: The Lord’s Prayer
There are many versions of The Lord’s Prayer, and we probably don’t need another one. However, at my church shortly before lockdown, we had a series of services looking closely at this prayer; and band members attempted to produce their own versions. They were very different to each other.
Here is my effort, complete with lyrics so you can sing along:
At the moment, this is an instrumental version. We would like to turn it into a sung version. If you would like to be part of this, all you need to do is use a smartphone to video your performance. Then, if you send it to us, we will combine all the videos into a ‘virtual choir’ and post it in this journal.
Deadline: July 12th
For more instructions go to the ‘music’ area.
Click here >> Kingdom Arts Choir
June 17th
A beautiful wire sculpture
This picture is symbolic of a tree with its roots growing round the rock…… each branch represents new growth , HOPE that something in our lives can produce possibilities and praise…… that God can transplant us into better soil of life to enable us chances to grow and reflect his creative love.
This tree was created for me by someone whose life was completely broken….. and in the support….. leaning on my song that was planted like a seed into their life….. Unknown to me they produced this ………

June 12th
We hear the words:
Keep your distance, keep your distance.
But our Triune God is saying,
“Come Closer, Come Closer”. . . .
Helen’s words are inspired by the words of Psalm 104 and the current situation we find in our lands. To read the whole poem, have a look at this month’s creative writing.
Click here >> June 2020 Writing
June 11th
A couple of photos related to Psalm 104 and our current position.
The other day, I visited Bredon Tithe Barn. There has been a building there since 670 AD to store the wheat to support the local village through winter. This barn was built in the 13th century when the Bishops of Worcester owned the land. The door, of I think solid oak is now over seven hundred years old, and has kept the wind and the rain from the precious wheat and barley stored inside.
The half open door reminded me of the semi lockdown position we are currently in. The oak door protecting us from the virus outside but now semi open so we can look out to see the beauties of creation, and see how God’s light can still shine to reflect his Glory in our lives.
The window was in the room above where the Reeve (or steward) managed the collection of the harvest and collected the rent from the peasants farming the land. Again the light of God shines through.
Jan Butterworth
Psalm 23v4
‘Even though I walk through the valley of death, I will fear no evil, for your rod and staff comfort me.’
When there’s
Incessant irritation, incurable illness, or isolation, when
Nights of nonsensical notions nudge and seem never-ending, we
Tire and tread the tumult with thundering terror, as if
Tending a new timely thought can become a turning point.
Heavens help and honesty, heaves humanity out of hell. There is an
Encourager, an essential eternal energy which eases the effort, by exposing and excluding evil.
Listening to this light, our life can be full of love.
Inward instinct identifies with this illumination. We
Glimpse glory, grasp a germ seed of grace and grow. In my
Heart, I hope for this harmony throughout humankind where
Triumph over tumult is touched like treasure and trusted as truth.
June 9th

In this psalm we give praise to God the Creator and His glory shines through the beauty of all He has created. It’s a beautiful song of praise to Him and there are lots of images to help us be creative . . . . . clouds, flames of fire, water flowing, birds , plants, beasts of the forest, lions, seas teeming with creatures; also music and singing praise to God.
Jan’s soups for this month
We may not be able to meet today, but that’s no reason we can’t have our lunchtime meal of soup, bread and cheese, followed by homemade cake.
If you have the ingredients to hand, you could even make one of Jan’s delicious soups – and, if you haven’t, you can always experiment!
Balsamic Roast Tomato Soup
This delicious soup is high in fibre and vitamins and is low in salt It is free from wheat , eggs, nuts and dairy, (if not using the topping). It is easy to make and can also be frozen. It serves 5.
400g of sweet tomatoes, halved; 1 yellow pepper, chopped; 1 tbsp rapeseed oil; 1 tbsp balsamic dressing/glaze; 1 clove garlic, chopped; 1 red onion, chopped; 1 carrot, chopped; 1 reduced salt vegetable stock cube, made up to 600ml; 1 tsp chopped parsley; 2 tsps chopped chives; 1 tbsp chopped basil; 30ml/ 2 tbsp red wine vinegar; Ground black pepper to taste.
1. Pre heat the oven to 200c /180c fan/gas 6.
2. Toss the tomatoes and pepper with half the oil in a roasting tin. Roast for 20 mins, then drizzle over the balsamic dressing and cook for a further 10 mins.
3. Heat the rest of the oil in a large pan and fry the onion, garlic and carrot over a low heat for 5 mins.
4. Add the stock, bring to a simmer and cook for 10 mins, or until the carrot is tender.
5. Add the tomato halves and the yellow pepper to the pan and cook for 5 mins.
6. Season, to taste, blend using hand held blender or liquidiser.
7. In a bowl stir all the chopped herbs into the ricotta and whisk together
To serve, reheat the soup and top each bowl with the herby ricotta, if using.
Cream of Celeriac and Spinach Soup
This soup is free from wheat, dairy, shellfish, eggs and soya and is high in fibre. Celeriac has a wonderful flavour that is reminiscent of celery but also has a slightly nutty taste. It serves 6 people.
1 leek; 500g celeriac; 1 litre/1.75 pints water; 250 ml dry white wine; 200g fresh spinach leaves; Semi skimmed milk (optional); 25g pine nuts.
1. Trim and slit the leek. Rinse it under running water to remove any grit and then slice it thickly.
2. Peel the celeriac and dice the flesh.
3. Place the leek and celeriac, with the spinach, in a deep saucepan. Add the water and the wine. Bring to the boil, lower the heat and simmer for 10-15 mins or until soft.
4. Puree the celeriac mixture in a blender or food processor. Return this to the saucepan and season to taste with salt, pepper and nutmeg. If the soup is too thick, thin it with a little semi skimmed milk or water, as your diet demands. If freezing do so once cooled.
5. To serve, reheat the soup gently. Roast the pine nuts in a dry non stick frying pan until golden. Serve the soup bowls sprinkled with the pine nuts (optional).
June 5th
The Temple of Jerusalem.

The model is of the inner court only (200m x 100m) to which only Jews had access.

June 1st
We begin the month with a piece of writing inspired by Psalm 104.
‘God’s World’ by Barbara Rolison can be found on the Creative Writing page for June.
Click here >> June 2020 Writing
Scarlett Hemming provides us with a ‘Thought for the Day’
Reflections on gardening at this time. You can read this on the creative writing page for this month.
Click ‘June 2020 Writing’ above.