Coronavirus Journal August

If you want to see the earlier entries,
click here >> Coronavirus Journal for July
click here >> Coronavirus Journal for June
click here >> Coronavirus Journal for May

Hello Everyone,

The holidays are here. Are you managing to get away somewhere or are you off visiting family and friends? It certainly feels a strange Summer this year. I do hope you can enjoy the sunshine and manage to get out a bit now the restrictions are lifted a little.

Sue and I are taking a break from sending you a theme for the month of August but we want to encourage you to take part in Sue’s challenge to us from last month. Look under “July Coronavirus Journal” and find the heading Psalm 133… Activity. Sue has given you ideas and descriptions on what to do so please have a go and send us a photo of the results. We’d love that.

We will contact you all again in September so have a lovely August with lots of space for creativity, family and friends and exploring more of God’s amazing creation.

We miss you and look forward to the time when we can be together again. We have no idea when things will get back to normal. Everything has changed beyond all recognition. However through it all we know that God is with us. May you know the depth of His love and His protection now and always.

A lovely passage from Isaiah 40 :26
“Look up at the sky! Who created the stars you see? The one who leads them out like an army, he knows how many there are and calls each one by name! His power is so great–not one of them is ever missing”

With our love,

Alex x and Sue x

August 19th

A collage from Frances

I have spent a long time on an allotment so there are lots of images of flowers.

I’ve added the apple to represent the fruit and veg’ we have grown.

The rice represents fleeting moments of motivation to cook and I have achieved more dishes in lockdown than previous significant durations of time indoors at home.

A bag of fruit tea for cold drinks – to represent the need for water in the heat we have experienced this summer. Grocery shopping has been interesting – queuing, social distancing and wearing masks.

The hair clips and band represent my sheer desire for a hair cut.

πr2 represents home schooling.

Welfare for Healthcare voluntary work to fundraise for the NHS.

The calligraphy pen represents 5 weeks of sitting down whilst my foot was healing, prior to and after lockdown began. The pen gave me hours of fun and I only bought it because we did some calligraphy at Kingdom Arts which was a super introduction to calligraphy.

I’ve also put ‘vocation’ down because I have spent a long time wondering about what to do with my career because things haven’t gone exactly according to the original plan – but I think the new plan is much better.

August 15th

A collage or ZOOM screen, based on recent times

by Helen

August 8th

Creative writing by Helen McNichol

Two pieces inspired by plants.
Click here to read >> August 2020 Writing