October 2024 Gathering

8th October

Alex welcomed us to  the start of our new year and next month we celebrate the beginning of the 10th year as Kingdom Arts!

Today’s activities were based on Holman Hunt’s famous picture “The Light of the World”, illuminated by a lantern and a superbly glittering picture.

We began with a short time of worship, including songs and prayer.

Jan B gave a talk based on the life of Holman Hunt, starting from his poverty in childhood, through his struggle to become a recognised painter and his recognition late in life. She carefully described how to interpret the picture and all the signs within it. It’s such a beautiful, symbolic and moving piece of art, which sparked off thoughts on Jesus as our light in the darkness, and the door that hadn’t been opened.

The morning’s activities were inspired by the following verses:

  • “I am the Light of the World.” John 8:12
  • “Ask and you will receive, seek and you will find, knock, and the door will be opened unto you.” Luke 11:9
  • “Listen! I stand at the door and knock; if anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in and eat with them, and they will eat with me.”  Revelation 3:20

We were also inspired by the symbolism in the painting:

  • Light: the lantern of conscience and the light round Christ’s head, salvation.
  • The door: the human soul. The door has never been opened,  no handle.
  • Christ is asking permission to enter: Christ himself is the door.
  • Morning star:  the dawn of a new day.
  • Weeds and overgrowth and fallen fruit: the autumn of life.

The activities, based around light, and doors were:

Making a cut-out doorway within a picture frame.

Water colours to capture shining light and embellish it with stitching. Some effective pictures evolved.

A still life with a decorative lantern, not an easy subject when the light was shining through and around it.

Colouring of patterns related to the theme, in bright pen, ideal for a quiet exchange of views.

The writing focus was to take inspiration from doors. One could then imagine scenarios of doors and what they revealed behind. There were excellent creative pieces as a result. See the Creative Writing pages.

Throughout the morning we were kept refreshed by Pam.

We ended the morning’s activities by gathering to share our creative efforts.

We then enjoyed a lunch of soup, parsnip and apple, or carrot and coriander, and bread and cheese. There was plenty of cake too! – as well as fruit for the health conscious.


We now anticipate our celebration on Tuesday 12th November 2024, when we will have a “secret gift” exchange to celebrate. Please wrap your gift to give (handmade or bought but significant to the ethos of Kingdom Arts), and you will be able to receive another.

As usual, coffee will be from 10.00am, followed by worship and activities, with lunch around 12.30

A warm Kingdom Arts welcome awaits all.