14th November 2017
“I am the true vine”
Continuing the theme of “I am”, we considered John 15 “I am the true vine.”
Activities linked to this were creative writing and making a booklet or card with interpretations of vines using printing, collage and other materials.
As an alternative there was much excitement in making decorations for the unique Christmas tree which will be part of the trees exhibition in the cloisters of Worcester Cathedral from December 8th.
There was true joy in abundance and much laughter constructing angels from lolly sticks, using a variety of fabric for the wings but the heads proved difficult to attach!
The fabulous 3D stars were carefully constructed and on completion the comment was “the tension was incredible.”
Candles were wrapped in paper and the entire tree will be a tribute to Christmas from the dedicated Kingdom Arts people.
We invite you to look at the photographs on our website.
Delicious soup was served, the spicy butternut squash in competition with carrot and orange. For those of you who would like to make some of these wonderful soups at home, you might like to purchase our new booklet containing 12 recipes for soups, £4 per copy.
Join us for our final session of 2017 on December 12th.
For this month’s pictures, see the Gallery
For this month’s written word, see Creative Writing
For a preview of the soup booklet, see Soup Booklet News